A history of Kathak in performance.
This production traces the journey of the Kathak form from the age of Katha and the temple story telling traditions to the present moment - Now. What began as a class assignment researching Kathak history has evolved into a piece with the young dancer-researchers as a fullength performance.
Conceived in collaboraton with Gita Chadha and choreographed by Sanjukta Wagh
(Premiere 2014)

An ensemble dance theatre presentation.
beej’s first independent student venture asks the quintessential question "who am I?" and goes through multiple metaphysical speculations to arrive at some meaning. The title and content is inspired by Nisarga Dutta Maharaj’s text, ‘I am That’.
Scripted Performed and choreographed by Samyuktha, Vaishnavi, Samhita, Asmita, Abhay, Aashraya. ( the beej school of Kathak)
(Premiere 2014)

A devised performance by students of the beej school of Kathak explores the tradional motif of a nayika who waits and then moves on to deconstructing her restlessness, the ebb and flow of her longing to encompass contemporary voices like that of poet Arundhathi Subramaniam and include the issues raised by the Pakistani youth icon Malala Yousufzai.